Terms and conditions
Personal Training
1. The initial consultation is compulsory for new clients before the start of any training programme.
2. Bookings and cancellations
2.1. Bookings should always be made with reception.
2.2. A minimum of 24h notice is required for cancellations otherwise the client will be charged in full.
2.3. All cancellations of sessions must be made with reception either in person, by phone or by e-mail. Sessions cancelled directly with the trainer that are not communicated to reception by the client will still be charged for.
2.4. A client who does not attend a session without informing reception before the start of the session is a “No show” and will be charged in full.
3. Clients should communicate to reception any relevant period of absence in order to freeze their packages for an agreed time.
4. In case of absence, a recurring slot can be held for a maximum of 3 weeks; after this period the same time slot can’t be guaranteed.
5. You are entitled to receive due care and attention from all our trainers and will be given every opportunity to receive the bookings and services you require.
6. PRx reserves the right to alter the trainer that you have requested should that trainer not be available. PRx will attempt to inform you of any changes within a reasonable time.
7. Packages of sessions and memberships purchased must be used within 6 months; any sessions not used within 6 months of the date they were paid for will automatically expire.
8. All clients must conduct themselves in a respectful manner whilst using PRx facilities. Any client who acts in an intimidating, abusive, violent or disrespectful way may be ejected from the facilities with no right to the refund of money already paid.
9. The purchase of any product or service offered by PRx is deemed as acceptance of these Terms & Conditions.
Private GP Services
1. We reserve the right to refuse to administer a treatment if a doctor deems it inappropriate.We do not perform blood tests without a consultation.
2. Anti-wrinkle injections require a deposit to be paid at the time of booking.
3. A minimum of 24 hour notice is required for cancellation otherwise the patient will be charged in full.
4. We are fully registered with the Care Quality Commission.
5. Please note we do not provide emergency care and out of hours care. If you feel unwell please contact NHS111 or 999.
6. Any extra tests required such as blood tests, X-rays and ECG will be liable to a further charge. These charges will be explained to the patient during the consultation.
7. Services not provided for:
7.1 Emergency or out of hours care – please call NHS 111 or 999
7.2 Repeat issue of sick certificates
7.3 Prescriptions for controlled drugs or drugs of dependence
7.4 Contraceptive coil and implant service
7.5 Vaccinations