Personal training


Individualised personal training programs, designed to make you move, feel and look your best.

At PerformanceRx, we specialise in 1-1 and 2-1 personal training. We believe that every individual is unique and there is no ‘one size fits all’ training or nutrition program. We customise every detail in your training program, right from the warm up through to the individual exercises specifically to your capacity, ability and goals.

We utilise the very latest scientifically researched exercise and movement techniques to make sure that you receive the safest and most effective training program that is sure to give you long lasting results. At PerformanceRx we strive to make your experience a seamless and gratifying journey.

How we work

  • We will take you through an initial consultation, where we test your movement capabilities, exercise capacity, strengths and restrictions.
  • We will then advise you as to how many sessions a week would best suit your goals.
  • We will then structure a progressive training program and will guide you through the different stages.
  • The initial stage will mostly comprise of corrective exercise movements, mobility work and technique correction. All this prepares you for the long term work ahead.
  • The next stage involves us teaching you how to correctly perform strength and resistance exercises, be it with your body, weights or resistance machines. A highly qualified and the experienced PRx trainer will then personally guide you through your customised programme – every step of the way.